IFR, PS Engineering audio panel with intercom and marker beacon, 1 x Garmin GNS530 WAAS 8.33 kHz 1 x King KX125 COM 760 Ch, FM Immune, KN72 NAV, KCS55 HSI, KR85 ADF with RMI, KN62A DME, ME406 ELT, King KT79 Mode "S" XPDR, ACK A30 Encoder, Autocontr III Autopilot 3 axis coupled to HSI and VOR, GPS approved for VFR/IFR enroute, B-RNAV, terminal and instrument approach (GPS, VOR, VOR-DME, NDB, NDB-DME) operation. Within the US National Airspace System in accordance with AC 20-138 and such countries where GPS enroute, terminal and non-precision approaches are authorized by the appropriate airworthiness authority. WX900 Stormscope, Copilot instruments Airspeed, Attitude Indicator, Altimeter, VOR/GS, DG Day/Night, IFR Category 1, B-RNAV (RNP 5)