Airframe Serial Number 24-2320 TT: 1668 hours Engine, 6 cylinders Lycoming O-540-A1D5, SN: L-3635-40 TT: 1668 hrs Time Since Overhaul: 916 hours Overhauled by Heliswiss 20 may 1996 Satisfactory engine internal corrosion inspection with removal of 3 cylinders to get visual access to the camshaft, performed 17/07/2015 at Total Time: 1535:25 Compression Values taken during annual inspection on 10/10/2023: 71, 72, 74, 72, 74, 72 Recommended TBO: 2000 hours / 10 years McCauley B3D32C412C, SN: 000141, 3 bladed Propeller with Polished Spinner TT: 586 hrs Tear Down Inspection performed 17/07/2015 at Airframe Total Time: 1545:25 Recommended TBO: 2000 hours or 72 calendar months