Avionics and autopilot upgrade per EASA Mod. 0060029550-001 PS Engineering PMA8000C Audio Panel, Intercom, Marker Beacon Garmin GNS530W NAV-COM-GPS, interfaced with Radar System Garmin GNS430W NAV-COM-GPS Garmin G-600, EASA STC.A.S.037679 (Garmin GDU620) with TAWS and Synthetic Vision, Radar Display King KI206 Number Two NAV Indicator King KX165A NAV-COM 3, 8.33 kHz S-TEC 55X Autopilot with Computerl, Transducer, Roll/Pitch/Trim Servos, Turn and Bank, Yaw Damper, FAA STC SA8890SW-D, LBA Validated Shadin Digidata-L with Fuel Flow Option grandfathered FAA STC SA00729SE-D King KN63 DME, displayed on Garmin G600 King KR87 ADF displayed on Garmin G600 Garmin GTX330 XPDR S Number 1 Garmin GDC74A Encoder King KT73 XPDR S Number 2 ACK A30.4 Encoder Garmin GWX68 Weather Radar displayed on Garmin G600 King KRA10A Radar Altimeter Altitude Alerter integrated in the Garmin G600 L-3 Sky 497 TAS System displayed on Garmin G600 and GArmin GNS530W, connected to ACK A-30.4 Encoder Artex ELT ME406, PN 453-6603, 406 Mhz Intercom for all Occupants EDM760 Engine Analyzer Astro Tec Digital Clock/Timer Complete Co-Pilot Instrument Panel ASR EPU6A5 Emergency Power Supply Attitude Gyro, Attitude Indiator, Vertical Speed Indicator, both Airspeed Indicators, Fuel Quantity Indicator, Manifold Pressure Indicator repaired by Avionitec on 20.09.2013 Main Battery replaced on 20.09.2013 Both Attitude Indicators and Tachometers repaired by Avionitec on 30.03.2015 Radar Antenna GWX68 replaced on 02.11.2016 HSI replaced on 14.12.2018